Build Your Brain Life Coaching is committed to equipping men with the skills to thrive in their work and home life.
I want to help the men who would never think of sitting in a therapist’s office but could really use help reducing their stress and improving their relationships.
This is a coaching format to help bridge the gap by providing access to emotional intelligence skills and the practice of mindfulness.
Do you fit any of these symptoms?
Problems managing your level of anxiety and stress, and you internalize and absorb this stress
Can’t get out of your head / mind spins in circles
Constantly analyzing / thinking / evaluating future tasks or past problems
Increasingly angry and irritable and snapping at what used to be small, trivial things
While these are the most common, often what follows are another set of problems:
Can’t make decisions / procrastination
Work performance has been weak
Don’t have the motivation that was there before
Lost the joy / contentment or purpose in your life
Have trouble in intimate relationships and / or simply socializing and feeling increasingly isolated
Body aches / body is not what it used to be / getting sick often
Taking on too much responsibility and being resentful for it
Using the latest understanding of how the brain works, the power of mindfulness, and over a decade of experience as a therapist, I will help you: