What We Do
“Our greatest human adventure is the evolution of consciousness.
We are in this life to enlarge the soul, liberate the spirit, and light up the brain.” - Tom Robbins
Engaging the brain, mind, body
I started this after a decade of working as a therapist because I found that so many men who were having issues did not have the emotional skill to cope with their modern life.
And instead of telling men to “just feel your feelings,” I used the brain, mind and body skills that really worked in real life, that made practical sense at home and at the job.
Much of these skills center around the concept of mindfulness and one’s ability to be aware that you have a mind, a brain, and a body that can be molded and trained for success. You can find the energy in your body to step out of automatic, habitual patterns and create the movement needed to get shit done.
making help accessible to men
Instead of having to go see a therapist and sit in a chair and talk about your parents and your feelings (which I know for many men sounds dreadful), I wanted to create an avenue for men to be able to develop emotional intelligence and connect on a deeper level with someone who knows how the mind works.
This is a coaching format (not therapy!), with practical skill-building, collaboration, and real life goal-setting that can be done over the phone or video, whether you are in your sweatpants at home or taking a quick break at work.
My vision for the work we do is a combination of facilitating reflection, awareness and connection as well as active goal setting and action being taken.
Reflection/connection/emotional expression and action make a wicked combination for success! Our motivations are driven primarily by our emotions, our ability to connect to passion, to connect to ourselves and others. We need to ignite that spark of emotion/connection/passion and then direct that into concrete action steps and goals and take on that mountain and get it done.
Get it done.
If you just focus on action, you will often turn into the overfunctioner type and get a lot done without any meaning and people in your life to share that success with. Or you will be ineffective in your action because you never really connected to yourself and what you actually wanted and had no strategy or vision in the first place.
You can build your brain. You can create more positive states of mind and momentum and energy. You just can’t do it by thinking harder and grinding out more tasks.