Some common symptoms and problems that you may be experiencing in our modern world as a man:
Excessive anxiety and stress, and you internalize and absorb this stress
Can’t get out of your head / mind spins in circles
More often than not analyzing / thinking / evaluating future tasks or past problems
Becoming increasingly angry and irritable and snap at small, trivial things
Can’t make decisions / procrastination
Weak work performance
Motivation not what it used to be
Lost that joy / contentment or purpose
Have trouble in intimate relationships and / or simply socializing
Body aches / body is not what it used to be / getting sick often
Taking on too much responsibility and being resentful for it
Mindfulness is a powerful tool to help begin to reduce these symptoms.
So what is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is:
Being completely tuned into the current moment
Sensing and feeling instead of thinking in your head
Being non-judgmental of whatever is happening, and just noticing / observing
Intentionally using your attention vs. checking out / numbing / letting your mind go wherever it chooses
Embodying your experience – knowing what your feel in the physical body in the moment
Accepting what one is feeling vs. struggling against it
Some of this is so incredibly foreign to guys. Our conditioning as men has led us to believe that getting in touch with our feelings will make us weak, and to tune and sense into what we are feeling in the moment and in our body is often not even on our radar.
When emotions light up, so does the whole body. Emotions kick off an entire biological complex that involves neurochemical activity in the brain and physiological action of the nervous system, respiratory and circulatory systems. They are a part of us whether we like to acknowledge them or not. If we check out from this whole process, we have lost an incredible amount of resource and energy. We just need to learn how to utilize them in a way that is helpful so we don’t have all of these negative associations with our emotion. This is where mindfulness comes in.